Sexy Produce, anyone?

Ooooh, lala, tis the season for the sexiest of produce to hit the farmer’s markets and tables, and we are here for it! Wondering what, exactly, Sexy Produce is? Well, as with many things Knitted Wit, it started with lots of in-house laughs and ended with some pretty special colorways.

Color development is a collaborative thing here at Knitted Wit, and as we were developing some of our new Fall and Winter colors, a beautifully watercolory orange color was created and added to the Fall line. Lorajean being Lorajean, she dubbed the colorway Sexy Pumpkin, because it was so damned delicious. 

Fast forward a few weeks, and Claire and Lorajean were chatting as Claire photographed and labeled some of the new Fall colorways. Chatting while writing always has the potential of interesting results, so Claire guffawed when she realized that instead of writing “Sexy Pumpkin,” she wrote “Sexy Produce.” This started a whole thing in the studio, which Lorajean quickly took to Instagram, with the post, “If Sexy Produce was a color…what would it be?”

Y’ALL CAME THROUGH! We had so much fun reading your suggestions, and those in turn inspired so many new ideas, and we ran to the dye book and dye pots to start playing around. The result is the most lovely basket full of the sexiest produce colors you’ve ever seen!  Check them all out below, and start making the sexiest produce-inspired knits the summer has ever seen! (You can order any of these colorways on any base you’d like; all yarn is dyed to order, and will ship as soon as possible, within 2 weeks).