Our new True Colors line, honoring amazing LGBTQIA+ folks, continues this week with Quilted, a colorway paying homage to Cleve Jones and the absolutely amazeballs NAMES AIDS Memorial Quilt he created (which now weighs over 54 tons!!!). Cleve is a white gay man, who lived in San Francisco during the AIDS crisis and saw many loved ones get sick and die. He, too, got sick with AIDS but he lived, and wanted to memorialize those who were not so lucky. He was an outspoken AIDS activist who worked in City Hall, and he started a project that was to inspire the quilt. He asked everyone he came across to write down the name of someone they had lost to HIV/AID, and created a public work comprised of those names on posted on City Hall, and was struck by how much the patchwork of names resembled a quilt. So Cleve started making. And making. And making. Literally 54 tons of fabric and countless hours of work later, the quilt is now available as an interactive exhibit online. Cleve was born in the US in 1954, and is currently still alive.
This colorway used to be called Extended Camping Trip.

We are sharing a sweet pair of socks today, Shannon’s Slip Away pattern, which features Quilted.

You can find all of our True Colors on our website, including this week’s releases!