National Parks 2024: Harpers Ferry National Historic Park

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Where is it located?

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, originally Harpers Ferry National Monument, is located at the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah rivers in and around Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Whose land does it reside upon?

The Algonquians, Delaware, Catawbas, Shawnee, and Tuscaroras likely fished these waters and set up temporary camps along the banks.

When was it established?

June 30, 1944.

About this park:

At the confluence of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers, on the ancestral home of the Tuscarora and Shawnee people, lies Harpers Ferry. Here you can explore John Brown’s Raid against slavery. Find your connection to the struggle for freedom, education, and civil rights at Storer College. Discover miles of trail in the Blue Ridge and along Civil War battlefields.

On October 16, 1859, abolitionist John Brown and his 21-man “army of liberation” seized the United States Armory and Arsenal at Harpers Ferry. He intended to use the weapons there to arm a slave rebellion, but he was captured by US Marines just days later. During the Civil War, Harpers Ferry became a Union garrison town where runaway slaves sought refuge. Today, the park is home to historic reenactments and trade workshops, where you can experience the lifstyle and skills used during the era.

Why did we choose these colors?

We used this image on the Harper’s Ferry NP Instagram page for our inspiration:

For more information:

NPS website:

